I started three demos when I was in Shoreview. I finally had time to finish the last one-the one that is on canvas. I call it "Happy Place".
Finished Demos!
I am posting two of the three that I started at the Shoreview demo on Feb 3rd. Sometimes it takes a little longer than I think it will! Enjoy!
Shoreview Demo
For those who may be interested-I will be doing a demo at the Shoreview Library at 4560 N Victoria St. on Saturday Feb 3 from 1-3 p.m. Hope you can make it!
Lavender Country 12" x 36" watercolor on canvas
New Page in the Gallery!
I have enjoyed doing a series of small paintings since the 1st of the year that have allowed me to experiment more with watercolor on the "Yes" canvas. So much fun! My plan was to be able to share them on a "small works" page in my gallery. Today that happened and I love it! I hope you will go to my gallery page and check it out...I will be adding more as time goes on. If you are interested in purchasing any of them or any other work you see in my gallery please contact me through this site!
Merry Christmas
What joy it was to be able to say Merry Christmas to people in the stores this year and to have them smile and say it back.
"The Light of the World" (copyrighted image )
Christmas traditions...
Memories, memories...my tree is full of so many different kinds of ornaments -many hand made-gifts from students, friends, places, my own designs , my children's' creations... times in my life that all come together in one place at one beautiful time of the year. My nativity set is a mix of figurines from my parents home, my mother in laws home and little French "santons" (little saints). The French tradition is that all the people in the village come to the creche and should all be represented there. They have a contest each year for the best santon maker in all of France. I remember the day that I was able to visit the shop of a master santon maker near Aix en Provence. Even though that was a special opportunity from God, I think of how He is our master Santon maker and as we gather around the creche this year I pray that all of you would remember how much you are loved and why He came as that little baby.
Natures Cathedral Nestled In! The gift of Artwork!
It is so exciting when I get to view my work in my clients home! Thanks Tom and Kristin! What a breathtaking setting from last Christmas! Thanks for sending the photo!
Little Red Vine...
A few weeks ago my sister and I were painting in Old Frontenac, MN and after we were finished we drove around the tiny quaint little setting and I saw this red vine that was so sweet cascading from a rusty fence post. Today I finished the painting that I began as a demo in my workshop this past week in Lanesboro.
Here is the finished demo that I started at my last workshop!
Working on a demo!
Here's a demo in progress during my recent Hutchinson class! I have always loved painting this subject matter!
Touches of Autumn...
Working on this one today as fall is in the air! A few more hours of work and it should be done!....see below for the finished painting! "The Touch of Autumn", 16" x 20" original watercolor on 1 1/2" wrapped canvas.
Fixing Mistakes!
If at first you don't succeed....get excited- because now you can really experiment! My original plan just didn't work out and I wanted to see what could be done with the stained canvas that remained...Wow, these pigments in the new watercolor paints I am using really brought a fresh new and bold look to the way I approached Zinnias! Love it! Got to thinking, this must be how God feels when He takes our lives and makes them into something beautiful when we think we are just the sum of our mistakes!
"Zinnias" 16" x 20" original watercolor on wrapped canvas
Queen Anne
I got a nice surprise when I visited my sister last weekend. Her property was surrounded by fields of Queen Ann's Lace. I had been wanting to get some reference photos and they were provided in abundance!
Intuitive Approach... My style is quite intuitive, wanting to capture the essence of rather than a literal interpretation of the subject. Working on finishing this piece today.
A little about the process
Sometimes I work from my photos and thought you might enjoy seeing the inspiration for my recent painting...you can see I am not literal! A photo records what it sees and a painting also conveys how the artist feels!
Walk With Me
I recently was invited to paint during the worship portions of a Christian conference. I felt really drawn to paint this garden. I believe it speaks to what I heard the Lord say to me many years ago...namely..."I'll meet you in the garden." He has met me there many times over the years...in special gardens like Munsinger Clemens Gardens in St. Cloud, MN., Claude Monet's gardens in Giverny France, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum or doing a painting of someones private garden. Mankind started in a garden and has been restored to the intimacy of walking with Him in that garden by what He did for us on the cross. That is what this painting beckens for us to do..."Walk With Me", 24" x 36", original watercolor on canvas. Copyrighted image.
New on the Easel
"Apple Blossoms" This is my latest piece that I finished this morning! I struggled and struggled to paint it the way I thought it should be but I kept changing it with each new reworking and I finally love the result! Now to get the spray coating on the canvas!
I love where trails can take us, whether they are well marked or ones we clear as we go along. So grateful that I live close to the beautiful Luce Line Trail. This is an early autumn scene that I am working on today!
A New Roommate!
Today is my second day with my new roommate-Chessie! We are getting adjusted to each other and so far so good! It seems my grandsons found a stray cat that someone had literally dropped off (according to the neighbors!) and it lived at their house for a couple of days with their other two cats. They ultimately decided that Grandma needed her to live at her house! It did take Grandma a time of soul searching to decide that God had a plan bigger than hers!!
Demo opportunity!
Last Thursday evening I had the opportunity and privilege to be the demo artist at the Northstar Watermedia Society Meeting in Roseville. What a wonderful group of people! I was able to show them how I work on canvas (the Yes brand!) which is my favorite way to paint with watercolor these days... you can check out their website to read more! http://northstarwatermedia.com/monthly-meeting/